Our Lord, Immanuel – Selected Scriptures

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Pastor Scott L. Harris
Grace Bible Church, NY
December 25, 202022

Our Lord, Immanuel
Selected Scriptures


Over the last month it would hard to avoid the many Christmas carols sung and played, and if you are like me, you probably sing along. People wish us a merry Christmas or happy holidays, but few it seems remember the meaning of Christmas or the reason it is a holiday. Here is an acronym that is a good reminder of the true meaning of Christmas:

C – Christ Child – Matthew 1:23

H -Herald Angels – Luke 2:9-14

R – Redeemer – 1 Peter 1:18-19

 I – Israel – Matthew 2:20-21

S – Special Star – Matthew 2:9-10

T – Tell the World about Jesus – Mark 16:15

M – Manger – Luke 2:12

A  – All He Is – Creator – John 1:1,3

S – Shepherd’s cane – Psalm 23

Christmas is a holiday because of Jesus. The word “holiday” is a compound word joining “holy” and “day.” Christmas is a holy day because it is a remembrance of what God has done in His love, mercy and grace for us in having His only begotten son become a man. So praise the Lord for each of you that have come out this morning to celebrate and worship the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Just being here is a demonstration that you do understand the meaning of Christmas and the priority of worship.

While there are a multitude of legitimate reasons that individuals may not have been able to join in a worship service today ranging from being sick to holiday work schedules of essential services to being finite and unable to be in two places at once, there are also those that simply place a higher priority on gifts, family, friends and feasting than worship of Christ who is the reason for the holiday. While Romans 14:5-6 certainly applies that there is freedom for an individual to either regard and observe a day for the Lord as more important than another or not, each is to be fully convinced in his own mind. When it comes to churches, each is free to set aside whatever day and time they think best to gather for corporate worship. However, there is a great hypocrisy that I have seen develop over the last couple of decades in which churches that meet every Sunday and preach Christ and even that Christmas is a celebration of the birth of Jesus that will cancel their worship services if Christmas falls on a Sunday. Frankly, that is a demonstration of failing leadership and explains why so many churches are weak and the people in them are not very serious about their walk with the Lord. If you are here today whether in person or streaming as a refugee from such a church, we praise the Lord for you. I encourage you to confront in love your church leaders about their hypocrisy and challenge them to be better and more faithful to the Lord in their leading. That may be all they need to have a stiffer backbone to be faithful servants of Christ instead of bending to the desires of the immature in the congregation.

We are here this cold Christmas morning to celebrate the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ, and I want to point out two important aspects of the wonder of Christmas in my sermon. The first is the human side of it. Jesus became a man.


Theologians use the term “incarnation” to describe Jesus becoming a man. It means to “become flesh.” And Jesus, who prior to that time was only spirit as the second member of the triune Godhead, took on human flesh the same as you and I have. As John 1:14 describes it, “The Word became flesh, and dwelt among us.” Jesus became embodied in a physical presence made of skin, bone, muscles, organs, blood and tissue. The Creator became a creature with hands, feet, arms, legs, a head and torso. Paul describes this in Galatians 4:4 as God sending forth His Son to be “born of a woman.” That is what the angel Gabriel said to Mary when he told her that she would conceive in her womb and bear a son (Luke 1:31).

The humanity of this strikes us with pleasant feelings. The common Christmas image of Jesus as a baby lying in a manger or being cuddled by Mary strikes a tender spot of joy in the innocence and peace of a newborn baby. It is something we embrace easily with compassion and tenderness. Even non-believers find the birth of Jesus a pleasant story, if not somehow even rustically romantic as found in the typical creche scene with the animals, shepherds and wise men joining Joseph and Mary in adoring the child.

(I found it interesting in reading about a Christian who visited China some years ago and found that even in that atheistic nation the people are enamored with the manger scene even though they do not understand what it is about. Of course, that just gave him opportunity to explain. Similar experiences can also happen here in the United States where many people do not understand what the story is all about which gives you opportunity to explain it to them).

The humanity of Jesus as He got older is also well accepted. In Luke 2 we are told the story of Jesus when He was 12 years old and ended up being separated from his parents. They had gone to Jerusalem for Passover. When the feast was over, the family began their journey back to Nazareth. Joseph and Mary thought He was with the other boys in the caravan, but that evening they could not find Him and they had to return to Jerusalem (vs. 44-45). After three days they found Him in the Temple sitting in the midst of the teachers both listening to them and asking them questions (vs. 46). Most people seem to over look the significance of those teachers being amazed by Jesus’ understanding and answers to them and of Jesus’ answer to His parents, “Did you not know that I had to be in My Father’s house?” (vs. 49). But that should not be surprising, for even then they did not understand the significance of this (vs. 50). Our tendency is to see this in the human terms of a 12 year old boy having an adventure.

Most people are also okay with the humanity of Jesus as an adult. Even those that reject Jesus being able to do all the recorded miracles still accept Him as a great teacher of ethics. A human teacher is not a threat to them and could even be an inspiration because the teachings of such a person can be easily rejected without consequences. Worldly philosophers can like Jesus’ sayings about loving others, being kind and forgiving while rejecting His claims of miracles, Messiahship, and being the way, the truth and the life and therefore the only means to God the Father. There is no threat when you can pick and choose what you like, and you can do that with any human teacher for there is always the opinion of some other teacher to offset it.

Another aspect of Jesus’ humanity that people like is the fact that it enables Him to relate to our experiences. Jesus can feel what we feel. He knows what it is to have human joy and sorrow, abundance and hunger, acceptance and rejection, pleasure and suffering. People like those who can sympathize and empathize with them. The writer of Hebrews marks this same point of similarity but goes beyond to reveal the real importance of Jesus becoming a man. Hebrews 2:17-18, “Therefore, He had to be made like His brethren in all things, that He might become a merciful and faithful high priest in things pertaining to God, to make propitiation for the sins of the people. 18 For since He Himself was tempted in that which He has suffered, He is able to come to the aid of those who are tempted.” While we are encouraged with the fact that Jesus can understand our struggle with temptation because He was also tempted, the real point of the incarnation was so that Jesus could become the perfect merciful and faithful High Priest. We need someone who can be our mediator with God who can both understand us and God at the same time. Only Jesus can do that.

But that passage goes beyond Jesus being just a mediator and High Priest. He became a man in order “to make propitiation for the sins of the people.” What is propitiation? It is the turning away of wrath by an offering. Whose wrath and why? God’s wrath over man’s sin. God is just in having His wrath set against the ungodly and unrighteous for such people are contrary to His being and the order of His creation. As Romans 3:23 describes it, “all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” Romans 6:23 adds that “the wages of sin is death.” What is earned by not living in perfect obedience to God is death and eternal separation from God shut out from His power and glory (2 Thessalonians 1:9). Jesus made propitiation for us by making the appropriate offering. That offering was Himself because only a man could be the full satisfaction of the price of sin. The blood of bulls and goats could never take away the sin for they were insufficient (Hebrews 10:4). As a man, Jesus could pay the full sin price and He did so on the Cross of Calvary which turned away God’s wrath from us and to Himself so that our sin debt could be cancelled through Him.

Without Jesus Christ dying as our substitute, man would have no hope of forgiveness and reconciliation with God the Father. Without His rising from the dead on the third day, we would not know if His sacrifice was accepted. But He did and it was. Man now has hope because the man, Jesus Christ, died as our substitute. He now remains as the one mediator between God and man (1 Timothy 2:5).

The incarnation is vital to our salvation because we could not be redeemed from our sin if Jesus was not human. But there is another aspect of Jesus’ birth that is just as vital to us, in fact, even more so.


One of the many prophecies concerning the coming of Messiah is Isaiah 7:14. “Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: Behold, a virgin will be with child and bear a son, and she will call His name Immanuel.” The original prophecy had a near meaning to King Ahaz of Judah about the Lord delivering Judah from a pressing military threat from the King of Aram and the King of Israel. Before a certain young woman would have a child old enough to wean, the kingdoms of Aram and Israel would be forsaken. The apostle Matthew tells us of this prophecy’s distant fulfillment in the birth of Jesus. Matthew 1:20-23 tells us about the angel of the Lord appearing to Joseph in a dream and telling him, “Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife; for that which has been conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit. And she will bear a Son; and you shall call His name Jesus, for it is He who will save His people from their sins.” Now all this took place that what was spoken by the Lord through the prophet might be fulfilled, saying, “Behold, the virgin shall be with child, and shall bear a Son, and they shall call His name Immanuel,” which translated means, “God with us.”

An unique event would take place in Mary. She would be a virgin who would give birth to a son conceived by the miraculous power of the Holy Spirit. The humanly impossible becomes reality. As the angel Gabriel told Mary when she asked about it, “for nothing shall be impossible with God” (Luke 1:30-37). It was because of this miracle that Jesus would be called the Son of the Most High. He would be in the blood line of David, and through his adoptive father, Joseph, he would also be the rightful heir to David’s throne. Jesus would be the one in whom the Davidic covenant of 2 Samuel 7 would be fulfilled.

In addition to this miracle, the names to be used for the child were extremely significant. The name “Jesus” has a root meaning of “Yahweh is salvation.” This name was significant of the purpose of His life as the one who would bring salvation to His people from their sins (Matthew 1:21). Though people like to romanticize the scene in Bethlehem when Jesus was born, the truth is that from the very beginning Jesus was born to be the Savior of His people through His own death on their behalf as I have already explained this morning. He was born to die.

The second name, Immanuel, is also extremely important. Matthew tells us directly that Immanuel means “God with us.” This is the aspect of Jesus that non-believers reject and resent. They don’t mind if Jesus is just another human like themselves, but this claim to deity is very unsettling for it places an immediate obligation to believe and obey the teachings and commandments of Jesus. That is what they do not want to do. Proud people do not want to bow the knee to God. They want to be autonomous and do what they want when they want it without consequences. If Jesus is God, then they know that one day they will stand before Him to be judged. Their method of dealing with that reality is to either deny it or ignore it. Neither is wise.

Is Jesus God? That is the testimony throughout the Scriptures. Let me give you just a few of these. There is a paper in the back that gives more extensive references.

First, He is called God. We have already noted Isaiah 7:14 and Matthew 1:22f that He is called Immanuel which means, “God with us.” Isaiah 9:6 gives Him several names including Mighty God and everlasting Father. So much for the Jehovah’ Witnesses’ claim that Jesus is not almighty God. In the New Testament the apostle John states in John 1:1 & 14 that the Word was God and that the Word became flesh. He records Thomas’ exclamation upon seeing the resurrected Jesus, “My Lord and my God.” Jesus accepted that statement without rebuke (John 20:28). The apostle Paul gives many statements that Jesus is God. For example, in Titus 2:13 he says of Him, “Our great God and Savior, Christ Jesus.” Hebrews 1:3 states that Jesus is the radiance of God’s glory and exact representation of His nature, then adding in verse 8 a quote from Psalm 45:6-7 stating of the Son, “Thy throne O God, is forever and ever.” The apostle Peter states in 2 Peter 1:1, “Our God and savior, Jesus Christ.”

Jesus also has the attributes of deity. Paul said in Colossians 2:9, “For in Him all the fullness of Deity dwells in bodily form.” As already mentioned, Jesus is eternal having been with God in the beginning (John 1:1,2) and before the world was (John 17:5,24). He is same yesterday, today, forever, (Hebrews 13:8) and the Alpha & Omega (Revelation 1:8; 22:13)

Jesus is also omnipresent promising to be in the midst of where two or three believers are gathered (Matthew 18:20) and to be always with us (Matthew 28:20). He is omniscient knowing the thoughts of men (Luke 6:8; 11:17) and the history of people He had never met before such as the Samaritan woman in John 4. He even knew in advance the time and manner of His own death (John 12:33; 13:1).

Jesus is omnipotent as His many miracles demonstrated. He had power over nature with ability change water into wine transmuting the elements (John 2:3-11), and He could command the wind and sea to calm immediately defying the laws of physics (Matthew 8:23-26). He had power over disease healing many people (Luke 4:38-41). He had authority of demons (Mark 5:11-15) and even death by raising people like Lazarus back to life (John 11:38-44). In Matthew 28:18 He said that “all authority” was given to Him.

Jesus also had the offices of deity. He is cited to be the Creator in many places. John 1:3 states that “All things came into being by Him.” Colossians 1:16 states that “by Him all things were created.” Hebrews 1:2 says that it was through the Son that the world was made. Jesus is also noted as the preserver or upholder of all things (Colossians 1:17 and Hebrews 1:3).

Jesus has the prerogatives of deity. This includes the authority to forgive sins (Matthew 9:2-7; Mark 2:7-10; Luke 5:20-24), raise the dead as I have already mentioned, and render judgment. John 5:22 states judgment is given to the Son. 2 Timothy 4:1 tells us that Jesus will be the judge of the living and the dead.

Another mark of Jesus deity is that He received honor and worship that is due only to God (Exodus 34:14 cf Matthew 4:10) and He did not rebuke those who did this. The disciples did this (Matthew 14:33) as did Mary (Matthew 28:9). Hebrews 1:6 calls all the angels of God to worship Him. Philippians 2:10-11 states that one day every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord to the glory of the Father.

Jesus made divine claims such as having authority over the laws and institutions of God (Matthew 12:6), being the object of saving faith (John 17:3), having the ability to meet in Himself all the spiritual & eternal needs of humanity (John 7:37; 14:6) and to be equal with God (John 8:24,58; 10:30 [“one” is neuter]).

We could go on, but I think you get the idea. The Bible clearly claims that Jesus is God in human flesh. He is indeed Immanuel, God with us.

But think about that for a moment and let it sink it. Jesus is God with us. God, the creator of everything becomes a creature. God, the infinite, omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent becomes bound in finite, frail human flesh and has to grow in wisdom, stature and favor with God and man (Luke 2:52). I have a hard time comprehending this fact, yet it is reality.

The apostle Paul sought to describe this to some degree in Philippians 2 when he pointed to Jesus as the supreme example of being of humble mind and spirit. Paul writes starting in verse 5, “Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus, 6 who, although He existed in the form of God, did not regard equality with God a thing to be grasped, 7 but emptied Himself, taking the form of a bond-servant, [and] being made in the likeness of men. 8 And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. 9 Therefore also God highly exalted Him, and bestowed on Him the name which is above every name, 10 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those who are in heaven, and on earth, and under the earth, 11 and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.”

Equality with God was nothing that Jesus needed to grasp at because it already belonged to Him, yet He willingly set aside certain aspects of His deity to become a man. We can try to come up with all sorts of analogies to explain this, but nothing can come close to it. Jesus then went beyond even that humility by becoming obedient to the plan of the Father to die as the substitute payment for man’s sin by dying on the cross. That is why God the Father will exalt God the Son in the future in both the Millennial reign of Christ on David’s throne, and in eternity when every creature will bow their knee in homage to Jesus Christ and confess that He is Lord.


The miracle of Christmas has little to do with the reasons that most people celebrate this holiday. It is not about Santa Claus, reindeer, elves, or even presents under a tree. It is not about winter fun. It is not even about being with family and friends. It is about a miracle that is beyond our comprehension. God became a man and dwelt among us that He might redeem us from our sins. And just astounding is the reason why. Romans 5:8 states that it was the demonstration of His own love toward us in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Ephesians 1 adds that God’s choosing and adoption of believers as sons through Jesus Christ to Himself was according to the kind intention of His will to the praise of the glory of His grace. That is the meaning of Christmas and why our own response is to be one of praise and worship of our God. That is the true reason that Christmas can be merry.


Sermon Notes – December 11, 2022

Our Lord, Immanuel – Selected Scriptures



C – Christ Child – Matthew 1:23

H -Herald Angels – Luke 2:9-14

R – Redeemer – 1 Peter 1:18-19

 I – Israel – Matthew 2:20-21

S – Special Star – Matthew 2:9-10

T – Tell the World about Jesus – Mark 16:15

M – Manger – Luke 2:12

A  – All He Is – Creator – John 1:1,3

S – Shepherd’s cane – Psalm 23

Holiday – Holy + Day Christmas = Christ + Mass

Romans 14:5-6 individuals have ___________to observe or not observe any particular day

Churches that cancel their normal worship service because it is Christmas demonstrate utter ___________

Incarnation = “become flesh”

John 1:14; Galatians 4:4; Luke 1:31

The humanity of Jesus as a baby is a romanticized story that is easily _____________even by most non-Christians

People like Jesus as a __________a great teacher of ethics – though most reject His miracles & claims as Messiah

Jesus’ humanity enables Him to relate to our human ____________and be our High Priest – Hebrews 2:17-18

Jesus became a man to make _____________for the sins of man giving His own life to atone for them (1 Jn. 2:2)

Without Jesus’ death as a human & then His bodily resurrection, there could be no hope for _____________of sin

The incarnation is _________to our salvation because we could not be redeemed from sin if Jesus was not human

Immanuel = God with us

The prophecy of Isaiah 7:14 is ____________ in Matthew 1:20-23

Jesus, the Son of God, is born of the virgin _____by the power of the Holy Spirit becoming a descendant of David

Jesus = “Yahweh is salvation”

Immanuel = “God with us” – Jesus’ ___________ is what non-believers reject and resent

Jesus is called ______- Isaiah 7:14; Matthew 1:22; John 1:1, 14; 20:28; Titus 2:13; Hebrews 1:3,8; 2 Peter 1:1

Jesus has the attributes of deity – Col. 2:9

Jesus is __________- John 1:1-2; 17:5, 24; Heb. 13:8; Rev. 1:8; 22:13

Jesus is Omnipresent – Matthew 18:20; 28:20

Jesus is ___________- Luke 6:8; 11:17; John 4; 12:33; 13:1

Jesus is Omnipotent – John 2:3-11; Matt. 8:23-26; Luke 4:38-41; Mark 5:11-15; John 11:38-44; Matthew 28:18

Jesus has the offices of deity – the __________& preserver: John 1:3; Colossians 1:16-17 ; Hebrews 1:2, 3

Jesus has the prerogatives of deity:

__________sin – Matt. 9:2-7

Raises the dead – Lk 7:11-16

Judges – Jn 5:22

Jesus receives honor & ___________reserved for God: Exod. 34:14 – Matt 14:33; 28:9; Heb. 1:6; Phil. 2:10-11

Jesus made divine claims:

Authority – Matt. 12:6

Object of faith – Jn 17:3

_________ with God – John 8:24, 58; 10:30

The wonder of the incarnation – The ___________of everything became a creature

The kenosis – Philippians 2:5-11

Equality with God was nothing that Jesus needed to grasp at because it ____________ belonged to Him


Christmas is about a ____________that is beyond our comprehension – the incarnation of Immanuel

Jesus’ incarnation, His death & resurrection are the proof of God’s _______and means of our salvation – Rom. 5:8

Parents, you are responsible to apply God’s Word to your children’s lives. Here is some help.
Young Children – draw a picture about something you hear during the sermon. Explain your picture(s) to your parents at lunch. Older Children – Do one or more of the following: 1) Write down all the verses mentioned in the sermon and look them up later. 2) Count how many times the words “humanity” or “deity” is mentioned. Talk with your parents the Jesus’ identity as both man and God.

Questions to consider in discussing the sermon with others. What were you taught as a child about the meaning of Christmas? What were the majority of your friends taught? What is the historical meaning of Christmas? Can you think of any legitimate reason for a Church to cancel its regular worship service because it is Christmas? Why the do some churches do that? What does that indicate about the church leadership and what they actually believe? What is the meaning of the term “incarnation?” Why are most people easily accept the humanity of Jesus? What is the actual importance of the humanity of Jesus? What proofs are there that Jesus was human? What is the danger of denying the humanity of Jesus? What does the name, “Immanuel” mean? Why was it important that Jesus be born of a virgin and not have a human father? How is Jesus both a descendant of David and the Son of God? What arguments would you use to demonstrate to a skeptic that Jesus was deity – God in human flesh? What is the danger of dying the deity of Jesus? What do you believe about Christmas? About Jesus?

The Deity & Humanity of Christ

The Deity of Jesus Christ

1. Called God:

Isaiah 7:14 – cf Matt. 1:22f (Immanuel).

Isaiah 9:6 (Mighty God).

John 1:1,14,18 (Word was God, Word became flesh; only begotten God).

John 20:28 (“My Lord and my God” – Jesus accepted statement).

Romans 10:9-10 (Confess Jesus is Lord).

Colossians 1:15 (Image of the invisible God).

Titus 2:13 (Our great God and Savior, Christ Jesus).

Hebrews 1:3 (Radiance of/Exact representation of).

Hebrews 1:8 (Thy throne O God . . .)

2 Peter 1:1 (Our God and savior, Jesus Christ).

1 John 5:20 (This is the true God . . .)

Jude 24-25 (Only God our Savior . . .)

2. Has Attributes of Deity

General Attributes of God – Col. 2:9 (For in Him all the fullness of Deity dwells in bodily form)

Eternal – John 1:1-2 (In beginning with God). John 17:5, 24 (with Thee before the world was). Hebrews 1:11f (Thou remain . . . will not come to an end). Hebrews 13:8 (Jesus the same yesterday, today, forever). Revelation 1:8; 22:13 (Alpha & Omega). Isaiah 9:6 (Eternal Father).

Omnipresent – Matthew 18:20 (I am there in their midst). Matthew 28:20 (Lo, I am with you always). John 3:13 (descended from heaven). Ephesians 1:23 (fills all in all). John 17:23, 26 (With Father in believer).

Omniscience – Luke 6:8; 11:17 (Knew the thoughts of men). John 2:24,25 (He knew all men). John 4:29 (Knew history of the Samaritan Woman). John 16:30 (You know all things – Jesus accepted statement). John 21:17 (You know all things – Jesus accepted statement). John 12:33; 13:1 (Knew time and manner of His death). Matthew 24 & 25 (knew character & end of the present age). Colossians 2:3 (all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge). Revelation 2:23 (I search the minds and hearts).

Note: Jesus in His humiliation (Philippians 2:6-8) surrendered the independent exercise of this attribute to the Father Who did not permit its usage in all cases: Mark 13:32 – Ignorant of the date of His return. Mark 6:6 – Marveled at the people’s unbelief. Mark 11:13 – went to the fig tree expecting figs.

Immutable – Hebrews 1:10-12 (Thou art the same). Hebrews 13:8 (Jesus the same yesterday, today, forever).

Omnipotent – Matt 21:19; John 2:3-11 (Power over nature). John 2:3-11 (Water into wine, transmutation of elements). Matt 8:23-26 (Calmed wind and sea). John 1:3 (Created all things). Luke 4:38-41 (Power over disease). Mark 5:11-15 (Power over demons). Matt 9:18-25; Luke 7:12-16; John 11:38-44 (power over death). Hebrews 1:3 (upholds all things by the word of His power). Matthew 28:18 (All authority given to Him). Isaiah 9:6 (Mighty God). Heb. 4:15 (Power overs sin). Phil 3:21 (power He has to subject all things to Himself). Revelation 1:8 (Alpha & Omega – the Almighty). Note: This attribute was also subject to the Father – John 5:19

3. Offices of Deity

Creator – John 1:3 (All things came into being by Him . . .). John 1:10 (World was made through Him). Colossians 1:16 (by Him all things were created). Hebrews 1:2 (through whom also He made the world). Hebrews 1:10 (lay foundation of earth, heavens . . .). Proverbs 16:4 cf Romans 9 (Made all things for Himself).

Preserver/Upholder – Colossians 1:17 (in Him all things hold together). Hebrews 1:3 (upholds all things by the word of His power).

4. Prerogatives of Deity

Forgive sins – Matthew 9:2-7; Mark 2:7-10; Luke 5:20-24 (Paralytic – Son of man has authority to forgive sins). Luke 7:47f (woman who wiped His feet with her hair). Colossians 3:13 (Just as the Lord forgave you).

Judgement – Matthew 25:31-32 (Sheep & Goat judgement). John 5:22 (given all judgement to the Son). Acts 10:42; 2 Timothy 4:1; (Judge of the living and the dead). Acts 17:31 (He will judge the World). 2 Corinthians 5:10 (Judgment seat of Christ).

Authority – Luke 10:22 (“All things have been handed over to Me…”). John 3:35 (“and has given all things into His hand”). John 17:2 (“Thou gavest Him authority over all mankind..”). Ephesians 1:22 (all things in subjection under His feet). Hebrews 1:2-3 (heir of all things). Matthew 28:18 (All authority given to Him).

Resurrection of the dead – John 5:25-29 (power/authority to raise dead). John 6:39-40,54 (I Myself will raise him up on the last day). John 11:25 (I am the resurrection and the life). Power for future permanent resurrection seen in three He raised during His earthly ministry: The widow’s son – Luke 7:12-16; Jairus’ daughter – Mark 5:35-43; Lazarus – John 11:38-44).

5. Receives honor and worship due only to God (cf Exod 34:14; Matt 4:10).

Acts of Worship received without rebuke Exodus 34:14 cf Mt 4:10 (Worship only the LORD God). Matthew 14:33 (Apostles in boat – “You are certainly God’s Son”). Matthew 28:9 (took hold of His feet and worshiped Him). Luke 5:8 (fell at Jesus’ feet). 1 Cor. 1:2 (all those who call upon the name of our Lord Jesus . . .). Hebrews 1:6 (Let all the angels of God worship Him).

Commands/invitations to Worship Him – John 5:23 (honor the Son, even as they honor the Father). John 14:1 (Believe in God, believe in me). Philippians 2:10-11 (Every knee bow, every tongue confess . . .).

6. Made Divine claims

* To have authority over laws and institutions of God (Matthew 12:6).

* To be the object of saving faith (John 17:3).

* To have met in Himself all spiritual & eternal needs of humanity (John 7:37; 14:6).

* To be equal with God (John 8:24, 58; 10:30 [“one” is neuter]).

7. Identified with Old Testament Jehovah/Yaweh

* Used Name “I Am” for Himself – Exodus 3:14 cf John 8:58

* He is creator – Genesis 1:1 cf Isaiah 44:24 cf Colossians 1:16

* Regarded as Holy – Isaiah 8:13 cf 1 Peter 3:15

* Isaiah’s vision – Isaiah 6:1-4 cf John 12:41

* Preceded by a forerunner – Isaiah 40:3 cf Matthew 3:3

* The object of faith – Joel 2:32 cf Romans 10:9,13

* Receives Glory – Isaiah 42:8 cf Rev 5:12,13

* Leads captivity captive – Psalm 68:18 cf Ephesians 4:8

* Stone of Stumbling – Isaiah 8:14 cf 1 Pet 2:8

* Disciplines His people – Numbers 21:6f cf 1 Corinthians 10:9

* Alpha & Omega – Isa. 44:6f cf. Rev. 1:17-18

8. Christ’s own consciousness & claims of deity

* At 12 years old He recognized the peculiar claims of God as His Father at age of 12 (Luke 2:49).

* At baptism He was assured of His special sonship (Matthew 3:17).

* Set Himself against the ancients when He taught (Matt 5:21f, 27f, 33f.

* Sent disciples out with power to perform miracles (Matt 10:1,8; Luke 10:9,19).

* Asserted His pre-existence (John 8:58; 17:5).

* He requested that prayer be offered in His name (John 16:23f).

* Claimed to be one with the Father (John 10:30; 14:9; 17:11).

* Claimed to be the Son of God (John 10:36).



The Humanity of Jesus Christ

1. Proclaimed to be a man

John 8:40 (Jesus calls Himself a man – also His designation of Himself as the “Son of Man” – Mark 10:45, etc.).

Acts 2:22 (Peter calls Him a man).

Romans 5:15; (Paul calls Him a man).

1 Corinthians 15:21 (Paul calls Him a man).

2. True Body of Flesh

Human Lineage – Luke 1:42,43; 2:7; 3:23-38 – (Human lineage through Mary). Romans 1:3 (Born of God of David according to the flesh). Galatians 3:16 (Seed of Abraham). Mark 10:45 etc. (Called Himself the “Son of Man”).

Body of Flesh – John 1:14 (The Word became flesh). 1 John 4:2 (“Jesus Christ as come in the flesh”). 1 Timothy 3:16 (“revealed in the flesh”). Hebrews 2:14 (Flesh & blood). Luke 24:39 (Flesh & blood). John 2:21 (Temple of His body – physical body). Hebrews 10:1-10 (Bodily Sacrifice).

Body had physical limitations – Luke 2:5,7,40,42,52 (Grew from birth through childhood). Matthew 4:2 (Hungry). John 19:28 (Thirsty). John 4:6 (Tired). Matthew 8:24 (Sleeping). Hebrews 2:10,18; 5:8 (Suffered). John 11:35; Hebrews 5:7(Wept). Luke 22:44 (agony in prayer, sweat blood). John 19:30,32-34 (Died).

     Theological Support –

* John 12:27; Acts 3:18; Hebrews 2:14; 9:22 Paying penalty for sin involved suffering of body and soul, such as only man is capable of bearing.

* Hebrews 2:17,18 Had to have human nature in order to be our High priest.

* Hebrews 7:24 Continues as High Priest requiring He remains Human.

* John 13:13-15; Phil. 2:5-8; Hebrews 12:2-4; 1 Peter 2:21 He had to be human in order to be a real example for His followers (futile to follow if He were not human).

3. Rational / Emotional / Volitional Soul

John 12:27 (“My soul is troubled”).

Matthew 26:38 (soul grieved).

John 11:33 (deeply moved in His spirit, and was troubled).

Matthew 9:36 (felt compassion).

Luke 23:46; John 19:30 (Committed spirit to God).

Mark 3:5 (anger, grieved in His heart).

4. Finite Human Intelligence

Luke 2:52 (increased in wisdom).

Matthew 24:36 (ignorant of the time of judgement).

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