Grace Bible Church Homeschool Cooperative Policies

Grace Bible Church Homeschool Cooperative Policies

1. Statement of Faith

An explanation of our Doctrinal beliefs, importance of doctrinal integrity, and agreement forms. (See:

2. Purpose & Goals

An explanation of why the GBC Homeschool Cooperative is different from other educational support organizations. Go to –  GBC Homeschool Co-op Purpose & Goals

3. Authority Structure

The GBC Homeschool Cooperative is a Christian Education ministry of Grace Bible Church. Its authority structure is: the GBC Homeschool Cooperative Committee reports to the Christian Education Director of Grace Bible Church who reports to the Elders of Grace Bible Church. Final authority is in the Elders of Grace Bible Church as directed in the Scriptures and the Constitution of Grace Bible Church.

4. GBC Homeschool Cooperative Committee

This committee is restricted to active members of Grace Bible Church.

The committee is responsible for determining the policies and operation of the GBC Homeschool Cooperative subject to approval of the GBC Christian Education Director and / or the Elders of Grace Bible Church.

The committee will designate from among its members a Chair, a Secretary and a Treasurer. The Chair will be responsible for setting and running of committee meetings. The Secretary will responsible for minutes and communication from the committee to the GBC Christian Education Director and / or the Elders of Grace Bible Church. The Treasurer will be responsible for handling any financial matters of the Cooperative.

The committee will be responsible for approving registration applications for those wanting to be part of the GBC Homeschool Cooperative. It will also be responsible for correction of erring parents and / or children by 1) Reminding them of the Cooperative’s policies, 2) Informing C.E. Director and / or Elders of need for counseling of parent / children that do not heed the reminder of the Cooperative’s polices, 3) Recommendation to the C.E. Director and / or Elders of the removal of a family / child from participation in the GBC Homeschool Cooperative.

3. Membership in the GBC Homeschool Cooperative

Membership is restricted to families that agree to abide by the GBC Homeschool Cooperative Ministry Statement of Faith, agree with the GBC Homeschool Cooperative Purpose & Goals, and will follow the Code of Conduct Covenant. Evaluation will be made by the GBC Homeschool Cooperative Committee following receipt of a registration form (See the link on the Educational Support page If you are not a member or regular attendee of Grace Bible Church, you will need a recommendation from your current pastor (See Pastoral Reference form at ).

Due to the physical size of the GBC facilities, there is a limitation on the number of students that can be part of the cooperative. Priority of admission to the Cooperative will be as follows:

1) Members of Grace Bible Church

2) Regular Attendees of Grace Bible Church

3) Current members of the GBC Homeschool Cooperative

4) Those personally recommended to the Cooperative by a member or regular attendee of GBC

5) Those personally recommended to the Cooperative by a current member of the Cooperative

6) Those with no connection to Grace Bible Church or a current member of the Cooperative

It is not the purpose of the GBC Homeschool Cooperative to become as large as possible. We believe it much more advantageous to our Homeschool families and to the cause of Christ for other churches to start similar cooperatives as part of the ministry of their own church. We will gladly help other churches in such efforts.

4. Curriculum

Curriculum used in the GBC Homeschool Cooperative must be in agreement with Statement of Faith or taught in such a way as to correct the errors and bring the teaching in line with the Statement of Faith. Curriculum is to be reviewed by the GBC Homeschool Cooperative Committee before use. Not every aspect of any curricula must be taught (Example: the Latin portion of the Claritas program). Other specific materials in keeping with the GBC Doctrinal Statement may be substituted if they are better than the general curriculum being used. (Example. Use of AIG material for particular science classes, etc.)

5. Code of Conduct Covenant

All member families are expected to abide by the GBC Homeschool Cooperative Code of Conduct Covenant (See:

6. Discipline of Members

All member families are expected to abide by the policies of the GBC Homeschool Cooperative. Those who err will be reminded of the policies. Those that continue to err will be counseled by the GBC C. E. Director or a Pastor / Elder of Grace Bible Church. Those that continue to be uncooperative and not abide by the GBC Homeschool Cooperative policies will be told by the GBC C.E. Director or a Pastor / Elder of Grace Bible Church to leave the Cooperative and encouraged to join a different support group that agrees with their belief / behavior or start their own group.

7. Weather Policy

We follow the Wappingers Central School District’s (WCSD) delays and closures for snow / inclement weather. If WCSD delays or closes due to bad weather, we will not meet. Here is the link to the WCSD weather announcement app.

8. Health / Illness Policy

A. Assessment of your current health

Anyone with the following conditions should be symptom free for 24 hours prior to returning to the co-op. If your child is on antibiotics, it should be 24 hours since the first dose.

*. Fever (within the last 24 hours 100.4 or greater)

*. Colored mucous (yellow or green snotty nose)

*. Diarrhea, vomiting, or nausea

*. Ear drainage

*. Virus or infection (known to be contagious)

*. Rashes of unknown origin

*. Head lice

*. Any of the following new or worsening symptoms from an unknown cause

-Cough, Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing

-Fatigue (More tired expected for current activity level)

-Severe muscle and body aches (not due to physical exercise)


-Loss of taste or smell

-Sore throat

-Congestion or runny nose

If you have any of the above symptoms, please rest at home and we will look forward to seeing you when you are well.

B. If you are healthy, please wash your hands and use hand-sanitizer as needed.

C. It is recommended that you sanitize your hands upon departure to avoid accidentally taking germs home with you.

9. Absentee Policy

If you cannot make a particular meeting for due to a conflict in scheduling

A) Inform the Cooperative Committee as soon as you know you cannot make it via Slack or personal contact.

B) Replace yourself to fulfill your responsibilities to the Cooperative

If you cannot make a particular meeting due to an emergency, sickness or unavoidable change of plans

A) Inform the Cooperative Committee as soon as you know you cannot make it via Slack or personal contact – but be sure your absence is acknowledged and not just leave a message.

B) Please replace yourself to fulfill your responsibilities to the Cooperative. If that is not possible due to a suddenness of the emergency, be sure the Cooperative Committee member you contact knows you cannot replace yourself

10. Change of Schedule Policy

Once the schedule of classes and activities offered on the meeting day(s) of the GBC Homeschool Cooperative (Co-op) have been established for the semester, any changes to it whether requested by someone within or without the Co-op must go through the following procedure.

1. A request is formally made with as much information and explanation as possible to a member of the GBC Homeschool Cooperative Committee (Committee)

2. The Committee member will bring the request being made to the Committee through SLACK and ask for a lunch meeting of the Committee to be scheduled on a Co-op teaching day as soon possible. The request should contain as much information and explanation as reasonably possible using that format. At the discretion of the Committee Chair, the person(s) making the request will also be invited to explain the request and reasoning for it.

3. After the request and explanations have been presented to the Committee and questions and options discussed, the Committee will meet in an Executive session to discuss and decide if the proposed changes or an alternative meet the purposes of the Co-op and should be approved. The Executive session should be held as soon as possible whether at the lunch meeting time permitting, later that day, or by “Zoom” type internet conferencing.

4. Any request that affects any Co-op families beyond those represented on the Committee must be discussed with those families. This may require an additional lunch meeting of all families affected. The final decision rests with the Committee, but changes to an established teaching schedule should be made with the utmost consideration of all families affected.

5. The decision of the Committee will be communicated by an appointed Committee member to the person(s) making the request. If the request is granted, the Committee will help facilitate schedule changes for the implementation of the request.

Approved 7/3/2022, modified 2/20/2024.

Click here to download pdf version of this document – GBC Homeschool Cooperative Policies pdf

Glorifying God By Making Disciples Of The Lord Jesus Christ