Practical Theology 2024-25

Practical Theology 2024-25

The Practical Theology Class should be beneficial to anyone that desires to participate or audit the discussions. However, it is specifically designed as training sessions for men that desire to become Elders at Grace Bible Church. Titus 1:9 specifically requires that elders are to be “holding fast the faithful word which is in accordance with the teaching, so that he will be able both to exhort in sound doctrine and to refute those who contradict.” In seeking to fulfill this Biblical qualification, among the requirements GBC has set forth in our Elders Policy  is the ability to discuss and give a Biblical defense in specific areas of Practical Theology.This course of classes assumes that there is already a background in Bible Survey, Hermeneutics and Systematic Theology since Practical Theology is the application of each of those areas of study to the issues of human life. Those who do not have these backgrounds will still benefit from the discussions of the particular topics, but will probably struggle to derive a Biblical response to them.

The format of the class will assume familiarity with the subjects and will consist mostly of discussion rather than lecture. Suggested material to read or listen to are listed with each topic. The pdf schedule below can be downloaded, but is subject to modification. At minimum, the linked written material should be read and sermons / lectures should be reviewed before class. Suggested books are optional for greater in depth study. Additional resources may be added at anytime, so check this online schedule regularly.

We will stream class and post them on our pages on Youtube and Sermon Audio. However, since it is known that YouTube will restrict or even block material that does not match their ideas of political correctness, some discussions may only be available on Sermon Audio.

If you have questions about a particular subject, you may email them to I will try to include them in the discussion for that subject, or add them as a follow-up in the next class.

Simply a Slave of the Lord Jesus Christ
Pastor Scott L. Harris
Grace Bible Church, Wappinger, NY

Class Schedule
The class meets at the church on Thursdays at 6:30 PM. A zoom link can be provided for those too distant away or have a scheduling conflict that prevents personal attendance. Contact Pastor Harris to get the link.

The pace of the class will proceed as discussion allows, so read ahead in case the discussion moves faster, but if there is a longer discussion the next subject will be delayed. The tentative schedule below will be updated as the class progresses. The order of discussion will remain the same.  Video links will be posted as they are produced.

Tentative Class Schedule 2024-25 – Dates subject to change

Date Subject Resources: Reading / Audio Recordings
9/26/24 Biblical Ethics, Part 1 Handout: THE CHURCH AND SOCIETY Pt 1- Student – PDF


Link to Video of Biblical Ethics Pt 1 class on SermonAudio

10/3/24 Biblical Ethics, Part 2 Handout: The CHURCH & SOCIETY Pt 2 (Basis for Biblical Ethics)- Student – PDF

The CHURCH & SOCIETY Pt 2 (Basis for Biblical Ethics) – Student – DOC

Link to Video of Biblical Ethics Pt 2 on SermonAudio

10/10/24 NY Proposition 1

Sexual deviancy

Trans-genderism & beyond

*Text of Proposition. *GBC Constitution Article III, Section F – Separation.

Sermons:  Proverbs on Avoiding Sexual Sin – Proverbs 5-7 (1/21/2013);  Unrighteousness in Homosexuality (2/24/2002)l   Unrighteousness in Depraved Minds (3/3/2002); Christian Citizenship in a Degenerating Society, Part 1 – Romans 1:16-32 (7/5/15); God’s Design for Human Sexuality (1/9/2022)

Study Questions: Click here – Human Sexuality

Link to Video of the class on Human Sexuality on SermonAudio

10/17/24 Stewardship (Finances – Church & Personal)


Liberty in Christ vs. either Legalism or License


Stewardship & Finances Questions – PDF download

Jim Rickard materials –

Crown Financial – Larry BurketRon BlueDave Ramsey – Financial Peace University

Sermons: Finances / Stewardship Series (9 sermons)

Sermons: Proverbs on Coveting (1/10/2013); Proverbs on Economics (10/14/2012)

Link to video on SermonAudio of Practical Theology class on Stewardship & Finances

10/24/24 Labor / Caring for the “poor”

Political & Economic Structures

Labor & Charity Questions for class discussion

Sermons: Living in the New Life – Eph. 4:23-32 (10/20/96); Being Salt & Light – Matthew 5:13-16 (3/23/14); Discipline of the Disorderly – 2 Thess. 3:6-15 (7/25/21); Labor & Leisure (9/2/2012)

Handouts: Seminary Papers – Christian Response to Hungry People – Paul Brown;   Stewardship of Materialism –

Book: The Tragedy of American Compassion, Marvin Olasky. Regnery Publishing, 1992

Handouts: Seminary Papers: Biblical Christianity & Economic Structures – Ian Fleishman.

Sermons:  Proverbs on Economics (10/14/2012)

Link to the SermonAudio video recording of the first part of this class 

Link to the SermonAudio video recording of the second part of this class

10/31/24 No Class Pastor Away


No class

Halloween, Economics

 Pastor Away

Halloween Evangelistic Outreach Opportunities   (Sermon on this topic – A Christian Response to Halloween – 10/31/2010)

Link to the SermonAudio video recording of the discussions on Halloween and Economics

11/21/24 War / Self Defense / Pacifism Seminary Papers: Christian Theory of Just War – Dulaney;  Paper on Pacifism

Sermon: Resisting Revenge – Matthew 5:38-42

Just War vs Pacifism Questions

Link to the SermonAudio video recoding of the discussion on War / Self-defense / Pacificsm

11/28/24 No class Thanksgiving
12/5/24 Free Speech / Censorship Seminary Paper: Christianity and Censorship – Wilson
Political Activism / Submission to Government / Individual Rights Declaration of Independence

Constitution of the United States of America

Sermons: The Christian & Politics (9/14/2008); Two Kingdoms (9/29/24);  Applying Godly Priorities to Political Responsibilities (10/6/24); Christian Citizenship in a Degenerating Society Pt 2 (7/12/2015); Proverbs on Government (10/22/2012)

06c Political Activism Questions

12/12/24 Abortion / Birth Control / Adoption / Having Children Sermon: The Value of Human Life (1/20/19); Children: Having Them (9/28/2003) Whatever Happened to the Human Race, Francis A. Shaeffer & C. Everett Koop.
Medical Ethics: Euthanasia / Genetic Manipulation / Vaccines / Hospice / Suicide / Christian physical health Seminary Papers: Ezzo, Abortion, Adoption, Euthanasia, Suicide

Tentative. May be delayed for Christmas

Divorce & Remarriage

Race Relations / Nations / Immigration

Lawsuits  1 Cor. 6:1-8

    Sermons: The Exception Clause of Matthew 5:32 & 19:9 (2/27/18); Marriage, Separation, Divorce & Remarriage (5/25/14); The Dangers of Divorce – Matthew 5:31-32 (5/18/14)Book: Marriage, Divorce, and Remarriage in the Bible, Jay Adams. Zondervan, 1980

Sermons: One Blood, One Race – Overcoming Prejudice Selected Scriptures (7/14/19); Racial Harmony (2/10/2013)

Seminary Paper – Harry Wilson

1/2/2025 Manifestations of True Salvation / false professions 1 John

Sermons: Which Way to Heaven – Matthew 7:13-14 (10/26/14); Building on Solid Ground – Matthew 7:24-27 (11/16/14)

Liberty in Christ vs. either Legalism or License Sermon: Liberty, Legalism & Licentiousness – Selected Scriptures (6/14/2020)
Priorities / Usage of Time Sermons: Walking in Wisdom (11/17/1996) (Ephesians 5:15-17); Love for God (9/23/2018); Loving Your Neighbor (9/30/2018);


Sermons: Leisure (8/24/2003); Godliness & Entertainment (2/3/2013); Sanctification of Our Minds (19/8/2000); Rejoicing in All Circumstances, Part 5: Thinking Rightly (10/24/2004); Rejoicing in All Circumstances, Part 6: Thinking Rightly (11/7/2004)
Music GBC Music Policy / Seminary Paper – Mike Garman
Dancing & Dress Sermon: Dancing & Dress – 8/3/2024
Alcohol & Drugs / Smoking Sermons: Proverbs on Wine & Drinking (1/14/2013)

Seminary Papers: John Glass, Ernest Newsom

Cultural Traditions / Holy Days Sermon: Holy Days (1/4/2004); Dealing with Cultural Traditions (12/21/2003)
2/6 No Class –  IFCA Regional Presidents Conference
2/13 No Class –  IFCA Regional Presidents Conference
Dating, Courtship & Marriage Sermon: Dating, Courtship & Marriage (9/14/2003)

Books – Many books on this subject.

Church Government: Structure & Role of Officers: Elders, Deacons, Deaconess GBC Constitution Article VI, Sections A-E

GBC Policies on Elders, Deacons, Deaconesses.

Book: Biblical Eldership by Alexander Strauch

3/6 No Class –  Shepherds’ Conference
3/13 No Class – Shepherd’s Conference
Church Discipline GBC Constitution Article V

Sermons: The Difficult One Another (9/3/2013); God’s Correction of His Children (8/7/2016)

“Baby Dedications” (Believer’s baptism vs. paedo-baptism) GBC “Baby Dedication” paper

GBC “Baptism” paper

Role of Women in the Church GBC Policy: Women in Ministry

Seminary Paper: Stephen Chung

Biblical Concept of Missions: Local & Foreign, Sending process, Evangelism, Parachurch vs. Church GBC Missions Policy
Priorities of Pastoral Ministry Jesus Christ Disciple Maker, Bill Hull. Fleming H. Revell, 1990.

Rediscovering Pastoral Ministry, John F. MacArthur Jr. Word Publishing, 1995

Sermon: Responsibilities of Pastors (6/12/16)

Make up date – other topics
Make up date – other topics
Make up date – other topics

Glorifying God By Making Disciples Of The Lord Jesus Christ